
Data Enrichment

High ROI, Verified Contact Information, High Match Rates

Standard Mobile Enrichment

Enrich missing mobile numbers to all contacts regardless of political or charitable donation history.

Donor Mobile Enrichment

Enrich missing mobile numbers only to contacts with political or charitable donation history — recommended for highest ROI.


Data Enrichment Benefits

Fast Returns

Most Sterling clients see their lists achieve 100% ROI within 3 months. That’s our AI-driven targeting and industry leading contact info at work.

Guaranteed Performance

We offer many ways to ensure your buy succeeds, whether it’s boosting underperforming lists with new or improved names or offering partial refunds.

Flexible Payment Options

Sterling allows qualified campaigns to pay off their purchases through their returns. That could be monthly installments or payments tied to ROI milestones.

No Contract Shenanigans

Our contracts are straightforward and do not lock you into anything you didn’t sign up for.

Premium Contact Data Platform: Emails & Mobiles, Pay-As-You-Go

Data Enrichment Services

Sterling’s Data Enrichment Process

Provide Your Lists

For the highest match rates and accuracy, we generally ask for first name, last name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code as input values.


Sterling enriches your contacts with missing mobile phone information.

Secure Delivery

Sterling delivers your enriched list securely via Dropbox.


Sterling only bills you for matched mobile phone numbers.

Impact Calculation

Data Enrichment Services Price

Pay now

Pay Later*

Pay with ROI*

*Available qualified committees only, payment windows vary based on Sterling’s assessment.


Get in Touch!

Contact Sterling

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Pricing Inquiry

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Schedule a call to see how Sterling can help.