Sterling for Politics

Harness the power of AI. Maximize fundraising for your campaign, PAC, or party committee.

Email Acquisition

Get active, deliverable email targets to reach your audience.

Mobile Acquisition

Get active, deliverable mobile targets to reach your audience.

P2P Texting List Rentals

Rent a mobile fundraising list for a day and convert donors with ease.

Cell Matching

Enrich existing lists with mobile numbers.


Political Benefits

Fast Returns

Most Sterling clients see their lists achieve 100% ROI within 6 months. That’s our AI-driven targeting and industry-leading contact info at work.

Guaranteed Performance

We know how important every buy is for your budget so we look for ways to ensure your buy succeeds. We want to hear your feedback on lists and see how we can help them perform.

Flexible Payment Options

Sterling allows qualified campaigns to pay off their costs through their returns. That could mean monthly installments or payments tied to ROI milestones.

No Contract Shenanigans

Our contracts are straightforward and do not lock you into anything you didn’t sign up for.

Acquisition done right. Quality data at the lowest prices.

Our impact

Your Success


ROI on List Acquisition Within 3 Months

  • AI-driven targeting to connect with donors who are motivated to give.
  • Confirmed contact info to actually reach prospective donors.


ROI on P2P Texting List Rental Within 48 hours

  • Acquire up to thousands of new donors with each rental list you send.
  • 140-500% ROI in 3 months (after additional solicitation from the campaign).


Match Rates for your Missing Data

  • Get a leg up on your competition when you can reach leads that they can’t.
  • We are contact data specialists; no data company matches this many emails & phones with such high accuracy.

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Pay with ROI*

*Available qualified committees only, payment windows vary based on Sterling’s assessment.

Our Work

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Work with Sterling

You’re in Good Company

Whether your goal is to identify the best targets, find accurate contact information, or enrich your current data, we use data technologies to make outreach efficient and effective. Our AI-driven targeting, quality data, and hands-on support help you easily reach the right people — right where they are.

The Right Targets

Our unparalleled contact data, paired with precise targeting, make your outreach more efficient and effective. Using the power of AI, we can quickly identify the right targets and gather reliable contact information to guarantee ROI.

Accurate Contact Information

It’s one thing to identify the best targets. It’s another to actually get a hold of them. Our Precise AI Verification system identifies a target’s primary email addresses and confirms their mobile numbers, giving you accurate, high-quality contact data.

Clients First

We have worked with over 1,000 campaigns, nonprofits, and businesses. Regardless of the cost, we’ve always put their needs above our profits.



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